Wednesday, April 14, 2010

you think you are in control
every movement you make
getting closer to me every second
when you sit down next to me my body starts to shake
the nerves rushing through me of not knowing what you want to do
you think you can take advantage of me and you think i don't mind
well i do
every moment you get closer to me i shrivel away
taking pieces of me and not returning them
are you so selfish to not leave some for others
i can't explain why when you sit down next to me i don't feel the intimacy that you do
truth is everything you do is adorable, but not coming from you
i don't feel it and won't,
the stars lean down and send us away from each other
and that is where we shall stay

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The influence of the snakes at my feet trying to control my world. Their venum trying to suffocate me and bring me down to their level. As I try to step on them all a few sneak up and get to me . There are too many to ignore. Influencing the decisions I make everyday, changing my views. Some are good and some are bad. I try and get them to crawl back to where they belong . Why do they need to stay here with me? I want to decide by myself. I have no need for snakes tying me down and telling me who I should be. The truth is I know who I am. Through high school these snakes will stay with me bearing a weight on me. Those snakes have nothing on me when you get down to it. I will walk my high school career proud and strong, making mistakes here and there. But overall learning from them.
The beautiful warm beach calling my name. The waves crashing to the shore trying to pull me in with them. Trying to get me to let go...
The waves pull me into the clusters of water. I float and forget my worries pretending to be a fish. I forget about you. I only remember the people I love. That is why at the end of the day, loosing my peaceful pleasure, the waves throw me back on the shore. And return me into my dramatic life of being a teenager.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

For someone who will never know this was written for them

When is the time to tell someone... things are different
As a pebble skipping in through the rough waters
slipping farther and farther away from my hand
soon it sinks
all the way to the bottom of the ocean
Where I can no longer reach you
Hoping and praying for the day that I once had
when i found that pebble and picked you up in my hand and carried you through my struggles and worries. You were there for it all.
you may not even think anything is different
but as for me you are changing, changing into different colors
Going, Alone into those rough waters
Not allowing me to come grab your hand and go along for the journey
I want to be there with you
I know you don't see what I see
But I don't want you to slip away from me.
I want you to stay...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Your name engraved in my heart forever
Put down and stuck like glue
When my soul of infamy wanders to yours
You are never on the other line
Wandering to and fro
To the next heart and sending people toppling over
Yours still exists in that pure heart of mine
it doesn't leave... it wants to stay
Whether you have moved on to the next
Just remember, your name will be in my heart forever.
Stuck like glue.
And your image will engage my brain.

Friday, March 12, 2010

As I run through my pasture that one big closed gate
Running and playing in our world full of hate
Learning and growing in the hands of our schools
First thing I learn is girls rule and boys drool :p
one day when that pasture is opened up wide
i will grab your hand and together we'll glide
On through the meadows and valleys and plains
Your mine forever and ever please stay
Hold tight to my hand and don't let me go
You are everything to me I sure hope you know
So on we travel by day and by night
Growing together even throug our fights
Help me get through the sorrow and the tears
And I will help you conquer your fears
As we live life together, together we'll see
together for always and forever we'll be.
Sometimes people say things you wish you didn't have to hear. Things that could turn a great friendship into an awkward jumbled mess. The love for each other of two friends can not be beat. A relationship can always end. But a guy and a girl's friendship will never. Some things that people say you want to go in one ear and out the other. just to keep things exactly how you think that they should be. Friends are a part of me and will always be.