Wednesday, April 14, 2010

you think you are in control
every movement you make
getting closer to me every second
when you sit down next to me my body starts to shake
the nerves rushing through me of not knowing what you want to do
you think you can take advantage of me and you think i don't mind
well i do
every moment you get closer to me i shrivel away
taking pieces of me and not returning them
are you so selfish to not leave some for others
i can't explain why when you sit down next to me i don't feel the intimacy that you do
truth is everything you do is adorable, but not coming from you
i don't feel it and won't,
the stars lean down and send us away from each other
and that is where we shall stay

1 comment:

  1. hmmm tell him to check this out. maybe he'll really get it then
