Sunday, March 28, 2010

The influence of the snakes at my feet trying to control my world. Their venum trying to suffocate me and bring me down to their level. As I try to step on them all a few sneak up and get to me . There are too many to ignore. Influencing the decisions I make everyday, changing my views. Some are good and some are bad. I try and get them to crawl back to where they belong . Why do they need to stay here with me? I want to decide by myself. I have no need for snakes tying me down and telling me who I should be. The truth is I know who I am. Through high school these snakes will stay with me bearing a weight on me. Those snakes have nothing on me when you get down to it. I will walk my high school career proud and strong, making mistakes here and there. But overall learning from them.

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