Friday, February 12, 2010

One boy lost in the crowd. Swerving in and out of every corner. Into various girl's hearts. not realizing the difference he is making on their lives. As he gives her that smile it makes her day and then she figures out it was all a mistake. He was perplexed with various other lives and friends and relationships. The girls that give him a chance not realizing the ride they are in for. Up and down in that same crowd he sends those girls. The ones that line up for him and he doesn't even realize. The tears and troubles that were wasted. The smiles and joys that were for nothing. All of the girls in that same crowd taking a look at reality and begin to think it is not all his fault. The girls knew the ride they were in for and would ride it again anytime they could get the chance. But why... ? Why may I ask. Because we are girls... we say we hate something when we absolutely love it. We say we wish he wasn't there but we would not know what to do without him. We run into various boys hearts not even for a reason sometimes, just because we want someone there. We are complicated.

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