Sunday, February 7, 2010

An intricate person I can't seem to get off my mind
As I look at you I see various things
It starts with your eyes I look in them and to me it is a mystery
Not knowing when or what you are thinking about
Hoping that you think of me
The mood of happy and the mood of angry throw me off
Little tings push me away
But somehow I find myself right back to seeing your name pop up on my phone
Somehow you are still the only guy I want to see
As I look at you and think
Why am I afraid to admit that I like you?
Is it me caring what others think, or scared to get hurt.
Or is it deep down I like the challenge and like seeing you everyday.
Your face if I would look in deeper would probably tell me you are not that bad.
And that you mean well... So why can't I just give you a chance.

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