Friday, October 30, 2009

I have finally made it through my first year of cross country.

Though it was very tough it was also very inspirational.

There were many runners that inspired me like Chrissy MOnson and Steve Kruen. I still don't understand how they go so fast, but the main person who inspired me was...


If you don't know who he is, he is our volunteer coach who runs every workout with us and is at every meet running to different spots to take pictures.

There were definately days where I could have quit running and started to walk but then I would look over and see him running off course to fit more hills into his workout. He kept me going all of the time and always cared about what times I got and tried to improve them in each meet. He always believed in me and this really helped knowing there was someone watching me that knew I could do better. He really inspired me and is an amazing runner! I would really like to thank you Gaudian for everything you helped me accomplish this year.

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