Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Now tell me does it matter Up or Down
Well not to me anymore that is

Last year so important until my injury

Now it is as if I can try and try but not be good enough

Someone is always faster stronger and even better

Well they sure think so atleast

Well why as humans when this happens do we tell ourselves to stop trying

I guess because whats going to come out of trying harder

The Joy and pride of knowing your competing with the best

The time on the court

Don't people intimidate you

Keep trying

Even if you don't know what is going to come out of it

It should be good

Just give yourself the pride of knowing you gave 100% everyday

Every practice, every game

Thats all they can ask. Period.

If you do this you will surely have great pride with yourself

You will also make it far, farther than you have ever imagined you cuold.

They will put you where they want to.

Not always the spot you would wish for, but they know whats best.

For you and the team.

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