School is crazy!

And hectic

Especially when you go to school and know you will have to be taking four tests!
This means a lot of studying and mental preperation
It is hard work
Especially when you don't see the result you were looking for when you studied so hard!
Times like these can be frusterating.
You may stop and think why am I working so hard.

It's just a letter basically a title.
Well this one letter can determine of you are allowed to go to college.
It will basically plan out your future for you.
This letter...
Why is this one letter so important
Shouldn't there be other ways to determine how smart you are?
Well you would sure think so, but it all comes down to tests and assignments.
I guess even though sometimes I wish it was easier and there are times I feel like quitting
It is still an accomplishment to see your name on that A honor roll list
Also this hard work really does pay of in the future!

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