Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cross Country!

A tough sport I must say
The 100's of miles we run
The long practices
The fast 2 1/2 mile races
Beating your time every meet
Keeping your varsity spot
Trying your hardest
Not ever allowed to have a bad day.
You may wonder why I would like to be in a sport that I don't enjoy very much
Well I am in great shape and I have so many memories with girls on my team.
Annabelle, Sam, Chrissy, Klick, Carol, Riley, and so many more that I can't name
The bus rides of jamming out
The weird things we do
And I couldn't go without them
I love every minute of it. (: Even though it is hard.


  1. It is definally hard! It's like torture ha. But I love it too! It's so much fun cause the team is so close! :)

  2. This reminds me that I saw a picture of you in the newspaper running! Haha

  3. I bet that is a tough sport! I also saw you in the paper!

  4. Ashley you are amaing and have great determination i love you and good luck your next meet! :)

  5. o it sure is fun! haa. and thanks guys that picture in the paper was just so cute! haa. I'm pretty sure my tongue was out. (:
