Every girl knows boys tend to make themselves sound more manly than anything- this can get obnoxious...
Here is an option to show that guys are really just as tough as girls (:
One night a bunch of my guy friends were having a big sleepover.
They were making the biggest deal about this for weeks.
A new video game was coming out (you know how boys get with video games)
They said this game was the scariest thing and made you feel like you were in a horror movie.
They told Morgan, Sam, Galen and I we would be too scared to play it.
We knew they would all be terrified of this and wanted to see it happen.

The same night Galen, Sam, Morgan, and I dressed up in all black, we were gonna crash their party! My dad drove us out there at midnight. We ran down to the basement window on the outside, knowing us playing charlie's angels the whole way. We decided Galen could go first, she went and pounded on the windows and then we ran and hid in a big field. They glanced over for a second then went back to playing. Next, it was my turn. I ran up and banged on the windows and ran into the same field. Whether the guys want to admit it or not they were freaked out! They all went on his deck and yelled things like get out of here with other words mixed in since they are guys. haha. Then his older sister came out and told us we better get out or she will call the cops. So her brother came out with a baseball bat! We didn't think this little prank would turn into this. So I screamed knowing me, and bolted to the front yard along with the other three. We told him it was us so he wouldn't hit us or anything. We then figured out all of the wrestlers were at his house with his sister. Our plan didn't really work, but we scared them all and that was our goal! Maybe another time....
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