Thursday, September 24, 2009
holding grudges
being furious
being hateful or impassioned
caring what people wear
judging others
worrying what people think of you.
Whether we want to admit it or not- we all fit in all of these categories.
Who cares what people think
Wear what you want- high school is the time to do it, let it influence your personality
Why hold grudges
this just makes more conflict, forgive and forget
Why be hateful
what is their to hate?
you may be annoyed but that is not the same
And why do we judge?
There is no reason at all but we should judge eachother not by the mistakes but by the good that comes out of them.
Life is Short... Don't waste it with the negative.
Enhance it with the positive.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
a word used to often in my perspective...
I love you
I am in love with this person
I think I love him
Many examples of times when we just throw it out there.
Being teenagers we are mistaken for when the good time to use the word "love" is.
Love in my opinion is used when you are getting married and are settling down.
Sometimes when we are connected to someone and have feelings for someone we just automatically jump to- I am in love...
It used to be a big deal back in the earlier eras of life now it is just used all of the time
What has happened?
I believe that being in love is a very strong statement...
We all need to take the time to think about what love really means.
We all go through that stage with new schools, making other friends, sports, realationships...
These times can get very difficult for keeping a friendship.
A friend needs to always be there whether frustrated with one another or just had enough...
Being there could make the difference in someones life that they needed.
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out," Unknown
Sometimes we get farther away from friends then we want to be, but you just have to hold on and keep trying through everything that is busy and try and spend time and make time for the close ones that mean...

Everything to you.
This is sure a strong statement
Told that you will have a loving father
Told you will be provided the strength for each day
Told that if you believe you will live eternally
Seems like a very good way to live and an easy thing to believe in
But when you look at the other side of it
asked to believe in something you can't see
asked to believe in something with not many uncovered facts
told what will happen if you don't believe
This is a hard concept to grasp
But human nature is curious and wants to know what is true...
I have a friend who doesn't believe in a higher power of God
She makes me wonder sometimes...
is my religion true
are some of the things you are supposed to believe fake?
How did everything come to be?
These are some of the questions and debates we get in to.
Although it makes me wonder I also think it makes my faith stronger.
It shows me that it is possible to have a few curiosities and wonder sometimes but at the same time if I can still believe after this I believe my faith is strong.
I am getting comfirmed in about a month...
I would like to thank this friend for helping me get to this point in my faith and even though sometimes you made me wonder I think in the long run you really helped me out.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Chuckie Cheese
Chuckie Cheese...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Out of Galen, Sam, Morgan, and I
we have made probably about ten of these videos.
This one is "Don't You Know You're Beautiful by: Kelli Pickler.
We listen to songs that our usually about a guy and a girl
So this is kind of a problem because not any of us our guys
And our guy friends are just too "cool" to be in them.
(Except we forced Evan and Cam to be in our other one)
So one of us usually dresses up as a guy
and in this video for a part of it i am a dude. (:
This video is good for high school girls to watch
It shows that through all of the struggles with
school, sports, and guys
you just have to remember you have to stay strong and remember
you are beautiful through all of it.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tied Together With a Smile (:
Galen, Sam, Morgan, and I love to make movies and music videos!
Here is one of our music videos-tied together with a smile by Taylor Swift.
Don't mind the beginning it kind of stinks.
(there ya go Mr. Worth I didn't use one of your words on your list)
Should be great...why not?
What has happened
Is it school...
The day to day
class to class
all of the homework!
Walk through the halls it's a casual hello
but nothing more because i have places to go
Is it sports...
All of the pressue
Do your best
beat your time
Don't give up
What is it
what has happened
what has changed?
I wish i had time to be
with my best friends.
I wish I had time to
sit down and relax
I wish i had time
for any of that anymore.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Party Crashers!!


Best Friends (:
there for you to make you feel good about yourself,
there for you to lean on
there to have fun with (:
there to answer all of your questions
there to laugh at your jokes when no one else understands them
"A good friend is there to help you up when you fall,
a best friend laughs at you and then trips you again."
I have three really close friends- Sam, Morgan, and Galen.
S- pastic
M-y other 1/2
A-wesome swimmer!
N-ever lies
G-ood at everything
E- nergetic!
N-ice (: